Thursday 24 November 2011

Negociation & Conflict

How many hours a day we negociate? If we stop to consider, really, we negotiate constantly, from morning at home when we go to our workplace and in the way we cross public transport vehicles, when dealing with bosses, colleagues, customers, and even when we home and your partner or children want to see a movie with us.Negotiation is an important tool to achieve what we want from others, especially when there are no common interests.

How To Deal With Conflict In The Workplace

Technology in organisations

In today's world, where increasingly making right decisions at the shortest possible time is the basis for successful management of almost any activity,both economic and noneconomic, it becomes imperative to have thetools to provide information that will make those decisions.Furthermore, advances in computer technology in terms of capacity, cost and user friendliness, allowing more users to use these tools to have accurate information, integrated, accurate and right.

Bill Gates on Enabling Social & Economic Opportunity

Hi guys I found this video. I Hope it helps

HR must use technology to the organisation's advantage

Hey i guys, i found this article about how the organization increasingly looking to the technology. hope it will be useful :)

Monday 21 November 2011

How Technology Is Changing Work Culture

In case you haven't noticed, work is a bit different these days. It's not just jobs changing--the whole culture is different. These days, things are moving at the speed of a tweet, and people want access to company systems and data at all times. Basically, our work styles have become as unique as our people. No pressure, but it's your time to shine. You have a chance to make the technology of your company as cool and agile as the people who use it.

Here is the video about how technology change the culture of organisation.

aspects of technology:

1.Technology as Objects:
Tools, machines, instruments, weapons, appliances - the physical devices of technical performance
2. Technology as Knowledge:
The know-how behind technological innovation
3. Technology as Activities:
What people do - their skills, methods, procedures, routines
4. Technology as a Process:
Begins with a need and ends with a solution
5. Technology as a Sociotechnical System:
The manufacture and use of objects involving people and other objects in combination.

Technology changes Everything

It's a video show directly what technology changed everything such as edcucational way, workplace for different organisations in a very clear and simple way.

Technology has changed the way that people do things, it has changed the face of the world around us. This clip shows some of the ways that Classrooms and Office spaces have changed throughout the years.

The video about how Technology change organisation

The animation looks little bit strange but I think it showed what technology change the organisation and normal life.

How do major changes in Information Technology impact company performance?

You will get answer from here.

technology helping transform your organisations

Hey guys, i found this on youtube, well hope it'll help :), its about role of technology in your organisation

Sunday 20 November 2011

what does technology do?
  • technology boost the worldwide communication channels and give access to enormous opportunities for businesses development. Technology turns into an essential element of successful business for several reasons including a greater ability to communicate with others; more collaboration and sharing of services; larger accessibility to information.
Technlogy in orgnaisations diagram.

technology tools work wonders in:
  • marketing.
  • sales.
  • education.
  • training.
  • public relations.
  • research.
  • analysis.
  • communications.
  • customer support.
  • public outreach.
  • risk management.
  • advocacy.
  • team building.

technology advantages:

technology in organisations.
  • saves time.
  • saves money.
  • increases efficiencies.
  • gives better results/boost productivity.
  • expands your reach.
  • reduce travelling needs.
  • improves customer service.
  • enhancing communications.
  • cutting back on energy and other resources used.
  • reduce pollution.

The Impact of IT

This is an outline of a presentation first delivered in 1988, and which has been adapted and delivered to different senior management audiences over the ensuing years. While some of the details of the early presentations have changed the issues of alinging IT solutions with business, human and organisational factors are as relevant as ever.

Saturday 19 November 2011

what is technology:
a way of doing things !
Technology is the evolution of an idea. It’s the thinking of a man or woman who sees before them an opportunity to improve a process, or to create a device or object that facilitates, improves or aids something or someone else.

The Impact of IT on Organisations

Here is an article about how IT influnce organisations
It includes how IT influnce culture, structures, management progress, work and the workplace.

""Many of the impacts of Information Technology are straightfoward. But they are not necessarily obvious, nor are they trivial"

Here is the link

Sunday 13 November 2011

technology in organisations.

 we have to talk about the technology in organisations nowadays.
how it influences the organizations.
all the pros and cons of it.