Thursday 24 November 2011

Negociation & Conflict

How many hours a day we negociate? If we stop to consider, really, we negotiate constantly, from morning at home when we go to our workplace and in the way we cross public transport vehicles, when dealing with bosses, colleagues, customers, and even when we home and your partner or children want to see a movie with us.Negotiation is an important tool to achieve what we want from others, especially when there are no common interests.

How To Deal With Conflict In The Workplace

Technology in organisations

In today's world, where increasingly making right decisions at the shortest possible time is the basis for successful management of almost any activity,both economic and noneconomic, it becomes imperative to have thetools to provide information that will make those decisions.Furthermore, advances in computer technology in terms of capacity, cost and user friendliness, allowing more users to use these tools to have accurate information, integrated, accurate and right.

Bill Gates on Enabling Social & Economic Opportunity

Hi guys I found this video. I Hope it helps

HR must use technology to the organisation's advantage

Hey i guys, i found this article about how the organization increasingly looking to the technology. hope it will be useful :)

Monday 21 November 2011

How Technology Is Changing Work Culture

In case you haven't noticed, work is a bit different these days. It's not just jobs changing--the whole culture is different. These days, things are moving at the speed of a tweet, and people want access to company systems and data at all times. Basically, our work styles have become as unique as our people. No pressure, but it's your time to shine. You have a chance to make the technology of your company as cool and agile as the people who use it.

Here is the video about how technology change the culture of organisation.